Плита Gorenje електрична склокерамічна, 70л, 50x60см, дисплей, програматор, нерж (GECS5C70XA)

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Може вас зацікавити

9 999 9 399 кешбек 432


  • Кількість конфорок
  • 4
  • Кількість Hi-Light конфорок
  • 4
  • Максимальна площа приготування
  • Індикатор залишкового тепла
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Опис товару

Виробник Gorenje GorenjeВиробник

Gorenje cooker ovens stand out with the efficient defrosting feature that will evenly defrost any deep-frozen item. Simply set the time and leave the rest to the cooker oven!

Only a soft touch is needed to close the cooker door smoothly, without any noise.

Enamel quality and type are exceptionally important for the cooker and its operation. SilverMatte is a highly resistant and strong material that can stand extreme heats. Free from micro pores, it coats oven cavity surfaces and baking trays, making them resistant to the highest temperatures. The coating of the interior supports heat reflection and provides additional insulation. Therefore, the oven interior always stays sterile and safe.

Most cookers include a convenient drawer with ample space for storing baking trays and other cooking accessories.

Gorenje cookers offer enlarged baking surface and use of extra big trays. Innovative solutions enable optimised energy consumption and evenly cooked food, regardless of the quantity. Full oven width is efficiently used while superior technology makes sure the food is evenly done on all levels.

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